Monday, June 21, 2010

Those Hot Canadian Summers

They really do exist, after all!

I should really know this by now, having lived in the same place for my entire life, but I guess it takes more than a lifetime of experience for me to learn.

To the point. Unless you live in a cave with a magical Internet connection, you've interacted with people. You probably have a general feel for what the human race is like - how they behave, and so forth. So it's a reasonable assumption that you've realized every person has their little... quirks. Some are annoying, some are manageable, and some can even be adorable. Still others are aggravating and interfere with everyday life. Take, for example, this one of mine that I've noticed in the past week:

I am perpetually dressing for winter.

This past Friday was a pleasant, warm day, and everyone was wearing shorts and the like. Except for me. I wore jeans and a hoodie. Or today; it went up to at least 30 (Celsius), and I decided it'd be the perfect day to pull out that wool sweater I haven't worn in months.

Is my mind so fixated on the six months of winter we get that it can't process warmth? Or is it the cold mornings I prepare for, and not the warm afternoons?

Whatever the reason, it's annoying. Maybe I should go summer clothes shopping.

Happy first day of summer!